Sunday, July 25, 2010

Reality TV And The Actor

A Reality TV "actor" has just it just as difficult if not more difficult then a scripted actor. I've done both multiple times. A Reality TV actor must be a quick thinker, intelligent, creative and exciting. In some cases I would rather "Impov" act then read lines someone has written for me because it's more real. I know who I am and the "character" I've become. You will love me or hate me.
There's less physical preparation but can be just as much if not more mental preparation. Reality TV acting can also take much more energy. You typically don't do "multiple takes" but you are constantly being filmed and you must be on your toes at all times. "Scripted reality" is misunderstood. Reality actors are placed into certain situations but it's there job to react to the situation to make it entertaining. And the better the reality actor the less they need to be told what to do, chances to take or even what to talk about or say.


  1. The less they need to be told at all!

  2. well in ACTING terms you very well know tat reality is NOT an acting credit. Reality does NOT involved acting but a capture of your daily life. Sad to say tat is REALITY!
